Meet one of our Medical Directors, Dr. Areshea  Siddiqui, MD, CMD (Certified Medical Director)

Meet one of our Medical Directors, Dr. Areshea Siddiqui, MD, CMD (Certified Medical Director)

Dr. Areshea SiddiquiMeet one of our Medical Directors, Dr. Areshea  Siddiqui, a wife and a mother to two teenagers and a Doctor to many in the Chicagoland area.

Dr. Siddiqui was born and raised in Vijayawada, India where she went to Medical school at the University of Health Sciences and graduated in 1991. She migrated to Chicago, IL after she graduated and worked her Residency at Rush Westlake Hospital in 2002. Then, she worked on her Fellowship at Loyola University Medical Center with a focus on Geriatrics in 2006. While she has a long list of certifications, a few to mention are the American Board of Internal Medicine & American Board of Internal Medicine with a focus on Geriatric Medicine.

“My parents knew I was made to work in the medical field because I loved learning about science and medicine growing up. I wanted to make my parents happy.”

Dr. Siddiqui was introduced to her mentor, Dr. LaPalio (also a Medical Director at Angels Grace Hospice), early in her career and under his wing was shown the passion of Hospice and Geriatric Care. Moving forward in time now, Dr. Siddiqui has been one of our Angels for the past three years.

“What I love about Angels Grace Hospice is our whole program of compassion and care. We dedicate our time to get to know our patients and their families. We do what’s best for our patients. That’s really important. Teamwork is very important at Angels Grace Hospice – we work with Hospice and Palliative care specialist consisting of Medical Directors, Nurse Practitioners, Rn’s, Case Managers, Spiritual Care Advisors, Pet Therapy, Volunteers, and the list goes on and on.”

Even in these stressful times, Dr. Siddiqui has a very calm presence. She takes breaks and practices self-care which makes her successful at her job and bedside manner. “Our family finds the time to try new restaurants, eating outdoors and then coming home and watching Disney movies. It really lightens the mood. I’m looking forward to traveling again and finding other ways to make myself and my family happy.”

Dr. Siddiqui has a kind voice, relaxed tone and has a very tranquil presence. We are lucky to call her one of our Angels. Thank you for all that you do for our patients and their families.

Stay tuned for our next spotlight on our Medical Director, Dr. LaPalio.


Angels Grace Hospice provides a customized care plan to meet the specific needs of patients.  We provide comfort care in your home, hospital, nursing home or assisted-living facility depending on your individual circumstances.  Contact us with any questions and for further assistance with your end of life care options.