Self Reflection with Saul Ebema, Chaplain
To Saul, life is not about the “Survival of the Fittest”, but the “Survival of the Kindest.” Showing kindness and compassion to those less fortunate than you is the way to be.
To Saul, life is not about the “Survival of the Fittest”, but the “Survival of the Kindest.” Showing kindness and compassion to those less fortunate than you is the way to be.
Transcript: Oftentimes family members will ask, “Why hospice now?” Hospice in itself is a very intimidating word and families oftentimes have mixed emotions when approached about hospice services. Hospice is appropriate for someone who is facing an end of life type situation, um, or they’ve been given a diagnosis either, …
Michele Sotelo considers herself a paramedic of hospice, supporting families in their time of need in a crisis; they are having difficulty with symptom management; at time of death; or the patient has had a fall and is injured.
Kimberly Mills, PhD, is the Volunteer Coordinator at Angels Grace Hospice in Illinois. She recruits and trains volunteers (many of them young pre-med students) to sit with the patients. She has been with Angels Grace for 5 and a half years, and has trained many volunteers.
Dr. Larry LaPalio is board-certified in Hospice and Palliative Care, Internal Medicine, and Geriatric Medicine. Hospice is his passion, he really loves taking care of people at the end-of-life, one of the neglected areas of medicine.